Privacy Policy

In order to protect the privacy of each user ("user" or "you") while visiting this website, Hefei Lobotics Technology Co., Ltd. ("Lobotics" or “we”) as the provider of this website hereby publishes this privacy policy. This privacy policy lists the key points of relevant policies aimed at protecting the personal information you provide when visiting our website. If you do not agree to any content of this privacy policy, you should immediately stop visiting or using this website. When you continue to visit or use this website, it means that you have accepted this privacy policy and agreed that we collect and use your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Information Collection

In order to facilitate your visit to this website or to provide you with services after your visit, some of our functional pages may require you to provide personally identifiable information and background information. You reserve the right to provide personal confidential information to this website. We may collect the visitor’s domain name instead of the e-mail address. At the same time, we will also try to save "cookies" on your computer's hard drive so that the server can recognize your computer when you visit again, so as to make statistics on your browsing certain areas of our website. This will help us improve the navigation of our website and measure the effectiveness of the entire website visit experience. If you do not want us to collect your confidential information, please do not submit it to us.

Use of Information

Providing us with your personal information to helps us improve the relevance of our website to you, to helps us communicate with you, to helps us to assist you in purchasing our products, and to help us give you access to the restricted areas of our website. The personal information you provide may be stored and processed on servers used by us or our affiliates for processing.

Information Security

Our website will implement strict management and protection of the personal data that you provide. Unless you expressly agree to disclose some of your personal information in the relevant part of this website, this website will keep your personal information strictly confidential. No information about you will be disclosed or sold to third parties. Except for the clearly stated confidential information, any other information (including questions, suggestions, comments, etc.) you provide to our website is not regarded as confidential information.

Information Disclosure

If the following situations occur, this website and Lobotics have the right to disclose your information to third parties and shall not bear any responsibility:
(1)According to your needs, disclose the information you specify in a disclosure method that you explicitly agree to;
(2)In the case of providing your information in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations or mandatory administrative law enforcement, judicial, industry associations, etc., we may disclose your information according to the required information types and disclosure methods without your consent.

Links to Other Websites

This website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the information collection practices, privacy policies, or content of these websites, and you are solely responsible for the risks, losses or expenses arising therefrom.

Change of Policy

Please check this privacy policy regularly to keep abreast of any changes.